Welcome to OUTSIDE THE BOX Learning Lab

Welcome to the Learning Laboratory, where ‘Outside the Box’ is more than just a name – it’s our guiding philosophy. 

What is Outside the Box?

Outside The Box (OTB) Learning Laboratory is an alternative Pk-6 school in Brasilito, Guanacaste. We seek to humanize education by building meaningful relationships, guiding learning processes, supporting self-discovery, and encouraging connections with others through empathy, kindness and compassion.

What does learning mean to us?

Foster Natural Curiosity

Every child has a natural curiosity for learning and has infinite potential for growth given the appropriate experiences, tools, and environment. 

Facilitators, Not Teachers

Our team provides meaningful and relevant learning experiences for our students, to help them learn to best utilize and value their own strengths.

Strong Classroom Community

We value creating a strong classroom community where everyone feels safe, valued and cares deeply for one another.

Why Outside the Box?

Outside the Box is a one-of-a-kind school in the Guanacaste area.

What makes us so different? 

Innovative Educational Model

Our station rotation model provides students not only one-on-one sessions with each facilitator daily but it also allows for them to move more naturally and frequently during their learning time while working independently and with peers in various interdisciplinary projects. 


21st Century Skills Driven

We provide students with a combination of hands-on, cooperative learning activities; thematic projects; and individual work in order to engage and activate students’ learning and prepare them for the challenges of the present and the future.

Highly quality bilingual program

Each member of our team has a wide range of personal and professional strengths and experiences that enrich our community and improve the learning path of our students. Our focus on an immersive bilingual experience equips children with a competitive advantage in a globalized world.

Community is at the heart of what we do

We firmly believe in the importance of building a strong sense of community among students and families at our school, learning from and giving back to our local community of Brasilito and greater community of Guanacaste, and exploring and appreciating the abundant natural wonders around us.

Socio-emotional Learning

With the daily implementation of our SEL (socio-emotional learning) curriculum and the constant practice of these skills we learn more about ourselves, our emotions, and how to maintain healthy relationships with people around us.

Small class-size

We are dedicated to keeping our class size at a maximum of 8 students. The intimate group setting allows for truly individualized attention and the creation of strong bonds between facilitators and students.

Each student at Outside the Box has their own tailored, individualized curriculum adapted to their learning styles and needs.

What parents say

“There are schools that specialize in mathematics, arts, or sports. OTB specializes in nurturing individuals who are empathetic towards their peers and the community. It’s about learning beyond knowledge, but as a transformative tool to grow as individuals. This is made possible thanks to the quality of its teachers—experienced professionals with a passion for their students. Less artificial intelligence and more emotional intelligence.”

Damián Szafirsztein

Get in Touch


Plaza López y Flores, Brasilito, Santa Cruz, Guanacaste, Costa Rica 50308



M-F:  10am – 3pm

15 + 7 =