Join the OTB community

Want to join the OTB community?

We look forward to welcoming your family to OTB! Here, we embrace and celebrate diversity—it’s what makes us who we are. Our strength lies in respecting our differences, learning from one another, and growing together as a united community.

At OTB, we’re passionate about learning, and we invite you to join us on this exciting journey. If you’re eager for your kids to explore new languages and cultures, you are welcome and encouraged to dive in alongside them! With OTB, there are countless opportunities for you to become a lifelong learner with us.

We take pride in being active members of our community, and we invite you to join us in making a positive impact. Our families show support by actively participating in parent volunteer hours—your valuable contribution strengthens our community bonds.

How to apply

Interested applicants and families should complete and return the Application Form.

After this you will follow the next steps: 

  1. Interview with student and parents.
  2. Schedule a student visit.
  3. If accepted, pay the appropriate matriculation fee.
  4. Complete the matriculation form with all the required documentation.


2024-2025 Tuition & Fees